Hi, I’m Tristan and I help owners who have maybe lost a little confidence on walks with their best friends.

I find that dog training isn’t just about training the dog, it’s about improving the communication down both ends of the lead – once you can understand each other better, the training part is easy! Although I didn’t grow up with a dog at home [dramatic pause], I’ve always been a keen animal-lover and have had experience with a wide variety of pets… from a fear-aggressive ferret to a tumultuous little tortoise, animal training has always been in my blood!

Everything Falling into Place

Having previously studied psychology, I was amazed at how much appeared to correlate between the human world and the principles of modern dog training. The more I shadowed Helen and the more I studied, the more it all just seemed to… make sense. I felt like I just ‘got it’ and quickly found myself specialising more in the human aspect of training; after all – a confident owner is naturally more reassuring to their 4-legged-friend… I’ll help you to become their rock, on which they can stand tall and proud!

A Family Business!

As you may have guessed from the name, I’m Helen’s other [better] half. Long before I came on board, with Social Paws, I’d been working with and training under Helen; joining the team was inevitable and a decision I only wish I’d made sooner! Helen continues to be as much a mentor as she is a partner and, together, we make the perfect team. Whether you have an anxious Akita or a frustrated Frenchie, we’re here to support you both, to make walks great again!